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Marstal into the Harbour


Latest updates • Text: 16-09-2015 - Plan: 16-09-2015


Waters S of Funen, Ærø E-point
54°51,0'N 10°31,4'E - Chart 152

The harbour

Which is owned by Ærø Municipality, may be approached through three channels:
From N through Rudkøbing Channel (3.2m), from W through Mørkedyb (3.2m) and from S through Marstal Southern Channel (4.5m).

Rudkøbing Channel and Marstal Southern Channel may sometimes sand up. E of Ærøshale on the stretch between the middle of the 1 st and 2nd pair of buoys and the middle of the 3rd and 4th pair of buoys the depth is 4.5m only in the centre of the channel at a eidth of 20m. Outside this area, the depth is reduced to around 4.0m along the edges of the channel. Appoximately 125m NE of the harbour entrance stands a separate breakwater. NW of Kalkovnen (the LIme Kiln) are three dolphins used by laid-up ships.

Laid-up ships are moored weith chains to sunken concrete blocks in the shallow waters E of the dolphins and to a steel post at the Lime Kiln.

The depth of the harbour is up to 4.5m. At the quays: 3.0-4.5m. Please refer to the plan.

Largest ships to enter the harbour: Length 115m, width 25m and draught 4.5m. The harbour entrance has a width of 32m.

Kort over Ærøskøbing havn

Larger plan

The difference between mean high water and mean low water is 0.5m.

Strong winds from NE and E may cauce high water of up to 1.2m.

Strong winds from SE, S and SW may cause low water of up to 1.2m.

Stormy weather may cause strong currents at the harbour entrance.

A strong N-going current will carry towards the shipyard.

The current in Marstal Southern Channel is generally S-going at S´erly to W´erly winds reaching speeds of up to 3-4 knots during extreme conditions and N-going at E´erly winds.

Max. 5 knots. No Appreciable wake is allowed, regardless of the speed.

Marstal N rear and front beacons, N of Marstal town, leading beacon kept aligned (254.8°) through the dug-out channel between Meyers Grund and Mandens Grund and N around Hovvig Grund to Marstal S leading lne.

Rear beacon: Post with red triangle, pointing downwards.
Front beacon: Post with red triangle, pointing upwards.

Marstal S rear and front beacons, by the approach to the harbour, leading beacon kept aligned in bearing (178.7°) from marstal N leading light line W around Hovvig Grund and Hvinegrund to the harbour.

Rear beacon: Grey trellis mast with red triangle, pointing downwards.
Front beacon: Grey trellis mast with red triangle, pointing upwards.

Marstal Southern channel rear and front beacons, on the sea area NE of the harbour, leading beacon kept aligned (319.4°) from the landfall buoy throgh the dug-out channel.

Rear beacon: Grey trellis mast on white tubular post.
Front beacon: Grey trellis mast on white tubular post.

Please also refer to the plan.

Marstal N rear and front lights kept aligned (254.8°) lead through the dug-out channel between Meyers Grund and Mandens Grund and N around Hovvig Grund to Marstal S leading line. The lights show a constant red.

Marstal S rear and front lights kept aligned in bearing (178.7°) lead from Marstal N leading light line W around Hovvig Grund and Hvinegrund to the harbour. 

The lights show a constant green.
Marstal Southern channel rear and front lights kept aligned (319.4°) lead through Marstal Southern channel.

The lights show white with isophase. 
Marstal Light, on the pier N of the harbour entrance;

directional light, which is showing white, red and green with dark phases. The white light angle (286.4° – 290.4°) leads from Marstal Southern channel light line through Hestegrund and Hvinegrund to the harbour or Marstal S light line. Grey tubular post.

Please also refer to the plan.

Approximately 0.2NM N of the harbour entrance and between the W'erly and E'erly pier heads as well as towards the S'ern end of the floating dock. Immediately S of the slipways there are power cables for use by laid-up ships.

Please see plan.

In the inlet N of Marstal N leading light line and in the Baltic S of the landfall buoy. Please be aware of the cable field Ristinge-Marstal. Cable beacons with lights on both shores.

Please see Cables.

Power outlets by the quayside and on all jetties in the marina. Water by the quayside and in the marina. Fuel from road tanker by the quayside. Several shipyards and engine workshops as well as a wooden shipyard. A floating dock with 3,500  tonne capacity. max 115m x 15.5m, draught 4.8m and two repair yards.

Two slipways, which can accommodate ships up to a length of 67m, width of 11m, draught of 3.6m and weight of 500 tonnes, as well as a small slipway for smaller craft. Two 6-tonne cranes, two 4-tonne cranes, one 4.6-tonne tower crane and an 18-tonne and a 9-tonne mobile crane. A 6-tonne travelift in the marina. Diving assistance.

For observance of the regulations, the standard regulations of Danish industrial harbours apply "Bekendtgørelse om standardreglement for overholdelse af orden i danske erhvervshavne" with the following additions:

At the E'erly side of the border of the shipyard situated N of the harbour entrance, any mooring of vessels, boats, barges and the like is not permitted, and neither is it allowed to have anything extending beyond this line from vessels etc. which are placed within this shipyard's E'erly borderline.

In addition, the regulations in force from time to time set down by the harbour board regarding shipyard traffic outside this line must be followed.

It is not permitted to obtain from, or leave behind, any ballast on the dock or harbour areas without the port authority’s prior permission and direction. It is not permitted to dig ballast or take sand, gravel, seaweed and the like from Ærøshale, in or around "Det lille Hav" nor from the areas E and S of the harbour pier.

Note: In the area W of the channel leading from the N into the harbour, it has to be expected that on the stretch from the harbour entrance to the N'erly border of the harbour there will be a number of poles for mooring boats and small vessels and for the use of fishing.

Søndre Værft 3
5960 Marstal

+45 63526365