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Welcome from the Mayor

Welcome to the Harbours of Marstal and Ærøskøbing

Ærø is an island in the South-of-Funen Archipelago with three harbours; Marstal, Ærøskøbing and Søby, of which Marstal and Ærøskøbing harbours are owned by Ærø Municipality. Besides them there are two small harbours, Kleven and Strandbyen both in Ommel.

The passage to Ærø is a beautiful experience where you will be passing some of the smallest islands of Denmark, plenty of sea birds and perhaps even a porpoise or a seal which will make your trip an adventure never to be forgotten. Ærø is ideal for visitors like yachtsmen, kayakers and rowers as the waterway is the only road to Ærø.

Ærø is a dynamic and vivid society with main activities in shipping, shipbuilding, agriculture and schools and education. When visiting Ærø you will have the opportunity to see and get close to harbour activities around new and old ships, renewable energy plants and farming with luxuriant fields and grazing cattle.

The island's landscapes offer optimal opportunities for active holidays. You will benefit from the island's biking network and many hiking paths that will take you around in the beautiful nature and past the major cultural attractions of the island. You will have the opportunity of a day on the golf course with fantastic views of the Archipelago and the Baltic, and if you are keen on angling, our beaches are open and ready for you to catch your own dinner.

Make use of the free buses on Ærø that operate between Marstal, Ærøskøbing and Søby. Tour the island and take a look at museums, old townscapes, exciting harbours, nature, the landscape and the calmness and quietude that attract so many visitors.

Ærø´s sights and attractions, our accommodation, shopping and population all wish to give our visitors good and interesting experiences. 

If you have not yet visited Ærø, both the island and I wish to invite you and your family to come and see us. And to those of you who have already arrived in Ærø, I welcome you most heartily and wish you a fine, exciting and eventful stay on our beautiful island.

Yours sincerely

Peter Handsted, Mayor

Søndre Værft 3
5960 Marstal

+45 63526365